SALVE© data alert software

SALVE© is a web-based Veterinary Alert System for Livestock. The aim of SALVE is to provide intelligent, automated analysis of livestock data to make it easier to read, reduce reaction time and optimise problem resolution.

SALVE© currently retrieves data on herd composition (mortalities, sales, purchases, births), the composition of tank milk and individual milk (milk recording) and climatic variations (meteorology) from around a hundred dairy and meat farms in Wallonia. This data includes parameters relating to health, productivity, animal feed and environmental risks, and is analysed using a number of algorithms that enable the herd to be monitored remotely.

Vaches avec un ordinateur

The combination of these factors and the different types of alert warns the farmer and his supervisors on average 30 to 45 days before they would naturally react to a deteriorating situation on the farm. SALVE©’s proactive approach therefore limits the duration of problems, improves animal welfare, ensures longer animal life and reduces production costs.

The data analysed can be selected à la carte according to the farm’s speculation and the needs of the supervisors, who can then have a rapid overview of all their herds and how they are evolving.

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